Severance indemnity: what is the Severance Pay

Whether you are at the beginning of your professional career or you already have more experience, it is essential to understand what Severance Pay is. We know how difficult it is to clarify certain aspects of employment contracts: in our business we deal with them every day, helping many workers like you to read and understand the conditions of their…

Working hours: fixed or flexible? Here are pros and cons

Work takes up most of your day. Precisely for this reason, it is important to make the right choices and think carefully before signing a contract. Better a fixed timetable, with a rigid schedule and always the same, or a flexible timetable, to be able to manage your time as you prefer? The answer is up to you. These types…

Mobbing at work: what it is and how to recognize it

Mobbing. It is not just a new English-speaking term to add to the dictionary, but a “crime” that takes place in the workplace. If once upon time-continuous pressures and disrespectful treatments were simple “severity”, today the worker is better helped to overcome periods of serious difficulty in the workplace. In our profession, we know how important mutual respect and a…

5 tips for managing stress at work effectively

You work to live, you don’t live to work. A beautiful maxim that however becomes more and more difficult to embrace in everyday life. Frantic times, tight deadlines, growing responsibilities. When is it time to stop this stress? The best way to manage stress at work is to have a balanced working lifestyle. Every day we are in close contact…

Too qualified: 3 hidden meanings and how to overcome them

You think that the company is not enough for your talent Imagine the situation of a recruiter from a small or little-known company. Search by word of mouth or post a job posting. A person who has worked for years in a much larger and better-known company introduces himself, perhaps the absolute leader in his sector. What does it do?…

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